Wednesday, June 18, 2014

It's going to be an action packed week! Trudi has already had a profile done in Online Fashion Magazine Thread - see here to link up and read all about it.

Later this week keep an eye out on the Facebook page as Trudi is going to run a video about what to look for when buying a pair of jeans!

Something to also bear in mind if you are thinking about hiring a personal stylist. In order to get the full benefit of this experience, most people need to know their colours, what shapes and styles suit them for their body shape and have their wardrobe checked over to see what can be used and what needs to go. Many consultants do this in separate sessions AND charge for each separate session.

Here at that is not the case. In a two hour session, we cover COLOURS, SHAPE and the WARDROBE. Which means this session is action packed, totally comprehensive and such value for money.

For more details visit the website or making a booking with Trudi (Auckland) or Sarah (Wellington) on

Regards Trudi - follow the fashion!! Blogger MyStyle Fashion blogger for

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