So it is nearly the end of the year. And what an interesting one it has been. So many people have experienced quite an extreme year of highs and lows. The last 6 weeks before Xmas, certainly for those of us who have children are a frantic race between children's events, Xmas shopping, planning, working and attending parties and functions.
So needless to say when you get to catch your breath (probably January at this stage) it is a good time to reflect on the past year and make some decisions about the new year. As a rule, new years resolutions are usually based on food/drink/bad habits. How often do we stick to these? Not often.
I suggest a much better approach and that is to think of one physical goal that is achievable (small amount of exercise?) trying something new (indoor netball, yoga) a professional goal - how you are going to do something a little better/faster easier this year and finally a personal goal.
For the personal goal it can be about being more patient, being more open to trying new things or getting down to solving some problem you have struggled with. I meet many men and women who have struggled with clothes, their shape, their colours and feeling frumpy and 'lost' when it comes to their personal appearance.
One of the best parts of this job is seeing the relief people's faces when they know a) MANY people struggle with this b) it CAN be solved and made easier c) they come away from a shop with clothes that mix and match and go together to last them for the next few seasons and beyond.
We can't promise you that you will magically love shopping. What we can promise is that it WILL be easier, it will take you less time and you will get up in the morning and have a wardrobe that all goes together and that you feel REALLY GOOD in. Whether it's a great pair of jeans or a structured work outfit.
All those things that bamboozle you such as accessories, which colours go with what, what SHOES do you wear with those skirts are answered. You can attend that function, evening out with a great party dress or smart blazer and jeans.
By solving those problems you will free you up to put your energy into all those other things you want to achieve in 2012. You can look and feel great NO MATTER what size or shape you are. Make the decision to do something for YOURSELF in 2012. Life is short and precious. We are a great Xmas gift to YOU. www.wardrobeflair.com
Stay colourful!
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