Do you have time to shop each season? Not many people say 'yes'. Those that love to shop are fine, but for the people that Wardrobe Flair see each day, shopping is described as 'a nightmare' a 'hated chore' and 'lots of stress'.
We understand. So many people panic buy. Then never really wear the piece. Then feel guilt having spent the money and not wearing it, so leave it to languish in their wardrobe for months if not years.
Wouldn't it be nice to pick a up few 'bits and pieces' each season that you feel good in and make you feel like you are enjoying fashion and taking advantage of the styles and colours that suit you? I think the answer to this is 'yes!".
At www.wardrobeflair.com we now provide a service that allows this. If you know your colour palette (whether done via us or others) then you can sign up from our website. We let you know the colours that suit you that are coming for that season and more importantly WHERE to find both classic and funky items in the actual shops.
Let us do the hard work for you. We go into all shops, from high end to medium to lower end so that it suits any budget. We cover the coming trends, what to look for, what to be wary of and HOW to wear these trends.
For $27 (via www.wardrobeflair.com) you can sit back and wait till our email hits your inbox with all the suggestions we have. You can then print this off and use it to shop for what you need that season. This small payment gets you 3 newsletters. Spring, Summer and Autumn/Winter.
The summer edition is due out in December. Sign up now and get this newsletter, then you will also receive Autumn/Winter 2012 and Spring 2012. We don't want you to struggle any longer. Do something great for yourself today.
Stay colourful