Thursday, October 1, 2009

My FIRST post!

Hey everyone. I am really excited about starting this blog up. I have so much I see on a day to day basis that I would love to share with you. Great clothes, fashion trends - what's hot and what is NOT!!! Who I'm working with, what Wardrobe Flair is up to.

I plan on adding handy hints of everything from clearing out the deadwood from your wardrobe to choosing a great piece of jewellery. Speaking of jewellery - have you checked out the brand new website??? This has been 8 months in the making and many many hours of work! All credit to the awesome designs of Leyla and Paul Bennett (no relation!), who makes it work (crucial one might say...)

More posts to come soon! Look forward to hearing from you. Any of my wonderful clients who have found fabulous pieces of clothing - let me know!!! I will put a posting up about it so we can spread the word and making shopping even easier.

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