As a busy working mum with two kids, I have the added pleasure of doing a job that I absolutely love. Most of the reason I love it is because I get to meet people of all ages, sizes and walks of life and help them bring some confidence back into the way they dress.
I meet a LOT of mums and I get to talk to them about where they are at in their lives. Many tell me where they were before kids, what size they were pre-kids, the sorts of things they enjoy and their lifestyles. This all plays a part in someone's style and the practicality of what they need in their wardrobes.
A few weeks ago I was contacted by a group called Mums in the City www.mumsinthecity.co.nz They asked if I would speak to a group of mums for an hour about what I do and techniques on how to look good. I do get asked to speak at a lot of groups and having my own family have had to be very selective about how many nights a week I am able to do this.
I looked at the Mums in the city website and I was really happy to see a group that is dedicated to helping mums 'get back on track' or find their passions again. Motherhood, kids, mortgages, housework and life can all get a bit much during our children's early years and as mothers we do tend to get a bit 'lost'.
But anything and anyone that can help us regain that zest for life, with a new activity or a wardrobe makeover that turns us from frump to fabulous is all good. Confidence is easily eroded by the hum-drum of life. We adore our children but there does come a time when mums everywhere need to look around, look in the mirror and look inside to decide that mums need to feel confident and good and get back to being 'them'. Not just a wife or mother, but a happy, vibrant and interesting woman.
Trudi www.wardrobeflair.com